Wednesday 23 October 2019

Biennial echo

23 October. Two years since my life, or what passed for living, at least, ended. I'm referring to the anniversary of my stroke, of course. OK, I'm still extant, but it's very much a case of going through the motions. And to make it even more painful, I saw a boy, 12/13, at lunchtime (it's half term this week, and the weather today has been pretty nice, hence the outing and abouting), who was reminiscent of the boy, the epoch-making, utterly unrequitable love of my life. DBJ. I know, full well, that he's into his twenties now, and that he wouldn't even remember me, never mind any chance that he would care about my situation, but I simply can't forget him. Ever.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Vocation, maybe?

K has just completed her first day as a teaching assistant, and from what's she told me (by text) so far, it's gone very well. When she was 14/15 she was very keen on the idea of being a primary school teacher, but by the time she chose her A-Levels, the allure of being in the 'creative' field was rather stronger. Since her uni career has finished, though, her first love, as it were, has been rekindled, hence her decision in the last few weeks. Many people might say that being a graphic artist would be more 'glamorous' than being a teacher, but, ultimately, it's what's best for K, rather than what the world thinks, is most important.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

Monday 7 October 2019


Mine, mostly, but it's a common thread, as far as I can see. The latest 'Extinction Rebellion' protests has been the catalyst for my ire - I’m sure many of the protesters are sincere, want to change the world, and all that, but I'm equally sure that there are a cadre of professional malcontents who just want to destroy society for the sake of it, and, worse, those who have ulterior motives, hoping to be the new 'High' (as in Goldstein's book in 1984). I'm sufficiently old and ill to not worry about the world too much these days, but if I was still vigorous enough to care, I'd like to think that I'd rather be part of the solution than a mere slogan-waving 'rent-a-mob' participant.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B