Monday 28 January 2019

January miscellany

The first month of the new year, or, at least, the last week, has started to take shape. After a month of stasis (not helped by the solicitors awarding themselves more than two weeks holiday over Christmas and New Year), things are happening on the housing front - I should have all of the conveyance documentation in my hands, signed and witnessed, by tomorrow, and then winging its way by the end of the week. As long as there aren't any unforeseen snags, it then should just be a case of paying the money and nominating a completion day before the flat will be mine. My own home, after nearly seven years. I can hardly wait!
One downbeat aspect of the last few weeks is that my health hasn't been wonderful - I've been functioning, in terms of mundane stuff like shopping, but that's all, and I haven't been out and about much. As a result, I've been watching far more TV than usual, but that hasn't been completely negative. I saw a programme yesterday that I might otherwise missed, a BBC documentary, called Speechless, about aphasia, a subject I know about all too well. My situation is far better than some people's - one of the guys featured had a much more severe stroke than mine, with consequences to match - but it's still a nightmare scenario for me, compared to the life I led before 23 October 2017. This blog post has taken, for instance, more than an hour and a half to compose, whereas it would've been finished by 15-20 minutes in 'the old world'. Shit happens, I guess.
Not wanting to finish on a low note, though, I saw a really awesome sight on the way here (here being the pub, given I've felt considerably better today than many recent days) - I saw a red kite, for the first time in years. I used to see the birds fairly when I was working in Berkshire/Buckinghamshire area in the early noughties - there was a biggish colony in the Chilterns, close to the M40 - but I didn't know that they'd ventured into Surrey. After a brief internet search, though, it seems that they've been sighted in the area for the last three years, including, evidently, 'Domicile-ville'. I'll be keeping my eyes open, for sure!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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