Monday 16 January 2023

Risk and reward

Before last weekend, the BBC Weather website was promising us snow, albeit light snow, and freezing temperatures for today and tomorrow, so I stocked up with groceries on Friday with a view to staying at home until at least Wednesday - I hate snow and ice these days, given my somewhat fragile health, and my propensity to fall on my backside as soon as slippery conditions prevail. But this morning, the snow has been conspicuous by its absence, and it's been largely sunny so far, although it's pretty cold (by UK standards). So I've spent a good hour trying to decide whether to go out, without much success. I almost never see anyone when I stay here at the flat, and I do like to feel that I'm part of the human race occasionally, but, overall, I would only go to the pub, so the balance of probability is that I'll stick to Plan A and skulk in my man cave instead - isolation is preferable to breaking my neck, ultimately.

There's a longer term conundrum in my life, as well, although the potential risk in this case will almost certainly prevent me from being tempted with the slight chance of what would be a substantial reward - there's a new(-ish) family living in the building where my flat is, and there's a passably cute boy in the scenario. I don't see him very often, despite the fact that he lives about 30 feet away from me - they're on the ground floor, while I'm four flights of stairs above - but he has given me a smile and wave a couple of times, and we have had a very brief chat, just once. I can't lie, the prospect of having a 'young friend' would be beyond awesome, even if we didn't do anything other than talk, but the pitfalls seem unsurmountable - he's pretty young, even by the standards of my 'reviled by society's' AoA, and his English seems to be rather minimal (I'm fairly sure that the family is Eastern European, although what exact nationality, I don't know). So it's really little more than a daydream, in all honesty. But what if....?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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