Saturday 29 July 2017

Nothing new under the sun

Posting is problematic at the moment - there doesn't seem to be much to say that I haven't said myriad times before. Work, and the shower of braindeads I'm condemned to associate with there, my health, or lack of it, and, most frustratingly, cute boys and their inaccessibility, have been discussed here ad nauseam. I am still trying to make progress on my new long story, but, at present, it's more in my head than committed to cyberspace. Maybe I'll suddenly find the inspiration to come up with some sparkling entries, but I wouldn't bet my very meagre life savings on it.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Hello Sammy

    I can relate to your comment "there doesn't seem much to say". That's the main reason behind my lack of responses to the posts you do make. I don't mean that in any derogatory sense, all too often I find myself in the same frame of mind as yourself.

    Once or twice I have started out intending to leave a comment, only to find there's nothing I haven't said already, and thus end up abandoning the idea. Hardly the basis of a meaningful dialogue, I'm sure you will agree.

    Nevertheless, I send my very best wishes to you and K, and hope you manage to find inspiration for your next literary creation. As I may have said before, I prefer a BL story, with a "happy ending" - fingers crossed for that. Sadly, there seems to be no chance of a "happy ending", in the real world.

    Warmest regards - Dave

    1. Hello Dave
      I really don't post in the expectation of receiving any feedback, however much I appreciate what I do get. I've always worked to a mantra of 'if you've got nothing to say, say nothing' with the blogs I've followed, albeit that none of those I did comment on with any regularity are active anymore, for various reasons - I'm the last man standing, it seems.
      As far as my writing goes, it's not so much the inspiration I find eluding me, but the application to convert my ideas into something more tangible. I'll keep trying, though, and hope that if anything does emerge, you'll find it palatable.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
