Monday 25 September 2017


Of a mixture of kinds. The first, last night, was certainly unpleasant - my old 'London local', the Wetherspoons I used most often when I was in 'domicile-ville' before, has closed down, seemingly in just the last few days. There is another branch of the chain nearby, which I'd heard might be going to close, but for my old haunt to have gone was a bit of a downer.
The next surprise, this morning, was a genuine case of bemusement, as I received a social media 'invitation' from someone I'd had several - differences of opinion, shall we say, through the comments section of this blog. I don't do any kind of social media (unless you count Blogger, of course), because I'm as determined as I ever was to keep my 'real' life and my 'cyberlife' as far apart as possible, but, given some of the things the person concerned has said about me in the past, and, indeed, my robust replies, I can only describe the invitation as inexplicable.
The last surprise has been a pleasant one, though - a buckshee early finish to my late shift at work, because of one of my colleagues was staying on for some overtime. Would I rather have done an extra two hours at work, or headed, as I have, for the pub? Guess!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Um...let me guess...the PUB!!!



    1. Oh, and btw, Sammy...what is your drink of choice?

    2. Hello Andy
      Right first time! And I normally drink lager, Kronenbourg, more often than not, although I do take the occasional diversion into 'wine country' - I'm rather partial to Chilean Chardonnay.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
