Wednesday 29 March 2017

Brexit, and boys

Mostly legal ones, too, for once - I saw two adolescent cuties after leaving work this evening, one outside 'worktown' station, who was borderline - he might have been 15, but certainly no younger - and another when I changed trains en route who was definitely legal, 17/18 at least. And that was after having seen Daniel at the pub last night, for the first time in weeks, brightening my evening by his saying it was nice to see me. As ever, I can't bring myself to believe that it's anything beyond 'professional politeness', but the daydreams won't quite go away. I did revert rather more to type at the station where my final change of trains took place, as an undoubtedly 'not legal' cutie, 12/13, tall, slender and very good looking, caught my eye for long moments before, as so often before, 'ghosting' out of my life forever.
Earlier in the day, the media, especially the fascist tabloid variety, were full of our (un)elected dictator May signing the letter invoking Article 50, beginning the formal process of the country leaving the EU. There were some particularly pathetic examples of xenophobic populism, from the Daily Mail's headline 'FREEDOM!' to Sky News (part of Murdoch's Wapping Lies conglomerate, of course) displaying a Brexit 'countdown clock' - 730 days and some hours when I happened to glimpse it momentarily in the rest room at work when I was on a break - at the bottom of their 'ticker' bar. I'd like to say that it isn't all a product of the British propensity for mindless racism and bigotry, but I'd be lying if I did.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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