Wednesday 8 March 2017

Not au revoir

The only constant in life is change, and that's nowhere more true than in cyberspace. People come and go, and all those of us still here can do is watch. When the final departure is of a person who came to 'blogland' at much the same time as me, though, and someone I've always been undisguisedly fond of, too, I can't help but feel a little heaviness of heart. His last blog, which was officially on hiatus, albeit a hiatus I never really believed was anything other than terminal, has now been deleted. All that's left to do is to hope that his future is happy and successful, and to say thank you for being allowed to share a small part of his life over the past seven years or so. Be happy, David. You deserve nothing less.

1045 10/3 edit: Yesterday's anonymous commenter (thank you) showed me that the premise upon which this post was written was wrong, and, in this instance, I'm pleased to be wrong. That, however, doesn't invalidate the last three sentences of the post. I said what I meant, and meant what I said.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B



    1. Hello
      Thank you. When I tried to link there yesterday, all I got was a 'does not exist' message. Nice to see David's work is not yet lost.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    2. Wow...thanks Anon, wherever/whoever you are!

      This thing goes way back...a lot of water under the bridge since then.

      Oh, and cheers to you too, Sammy!



    3. Hello Andy
      Apart from the writing, the blog links to some excellent music, too. All the more reason to be grateful for its continued existence.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
