Wednesday 28 December 2016

Sums it all up

The first phone call I've received over the 'festive period' - I did speak to my brother on Christmas Day, but I had to ring him to facilitate the contact - happened about an hour and a half ago, and it was a wrong number, albeit from someone I know. It just serves to underline the fact that, apart from K, no-one in 'meatspace' could care less whether I live or die. And why should they, when the list of 'non-carers' includes me?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Hello Sammy

    Just a short note to send good wishes to you and K for the year ahead. The way this past year has gone, I can't see any signs of improvement ahead. But I suppose we have to live in hope. Like yourself, my phone never rang either. But that was nothing new, it seldom rings anyway, unless it's someone trying to sell me something. Oh well, onwards and onwards .....

    Warmest regards - Dave

    1. Hello Dave
      Like you, I'm not holding my breath in anticipation of much sunshine ahead - given the disturbing turn towards fascism much of the so-called civilised world seems to be taking, the opposite strikes me as being far more likely, especially as fascists love nothing better than convenient scapegoats, and who more convenient than a group virtually everyone has been conditioned to hate? Still, it's human nature to hope until the last, I guess, however tenuous that hope might be. Happy New Year.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
