Sunday 18 December 2016

The girl is back in town!

K got back from uni for the Christmas break yesterday, after I'd left for work, unfortunately, but it didn't take long before we began catching up, talking for two hours late last night after I'd arrived home. Then this morning, we've had one of our very occasional weekend brunch fry-ups, and very nice (and heavily slanted towards carnivory!) it was, too. My girl will be off on her travels again tomorrow, going to spend a few pre-Christmas days with her mum, but she'll be back on Friday, and here for the following two weeks or so. I know I've got to get used to her not being around as she moves further into adulthood, but I can't help feeling that the flat seems 100 times more like home when K is in it.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Andy
      I'll certainly do my best to make the most of my time with K, although work isn't going to be all that cooperative over the piece - I'm off on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, but apart from that, there's only one other complete day when we're both free before she goes back to uni. Still, scraps and crumbs are definitely better than nothing.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. Dear Sammy

    Just wanted to send you and K all good wishes for the holiday season, and I wish you much happiness in what precious time you have together in the coming days.

    I don't DO christmas myself, but I'm looking forward to a few quiet days on my own, the same as any other day, persuing my hobbies, content to let everyone else do their own thing.

    Of course, the only thing I would like for christmas is the one thing I am never going to find, so I'll just carry on regardless, but I'll be thinking of you, and will raise a glass in your honour at some point.

    Warmest regrads - Dave

    1. Hello Dave
      Thank you very much for the good wishes, which I can assure you are fully reciprocated. I don't do Christmas either, apart from maybe the food and drink element, but I'm sure K (who's due back from her mum's tomorrow) and I will do our best to enjoy ourselves. And, yeah, I want the same Christmas present as you, that unobtainable one.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
