Sunday 24 June 2012

Above the parapet

I've got about twenty minutes to try and write this post before I have to go to work, so I'll try and keep it coherent. I want to write this stuff while it's fresh in my mind, though.
Just before I gave in to total exhaustion shortly after 9:00 last night (seven consecutive early turns taking their toll), I read something online which managed what I would have considered to be the impossible task of keeping me awake for another almost half hour, as I lay in bed with thoughts churning in my mind. I read that the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State trial in the US had ended, with Sandusky found guilty of virtually all of the charges he faced. I read a handful of comments on one post on perhaps the most sceptical and liberal site of all those I've come across, and even there, comment no.2 (of 305) came out with the 'I hope he gets raped in prison' meme. I haven't ventured elsewhere, but I have no doubt at all that the same sentiment, and far, far worse, will be repeated all over the net, and that another kneejerk assumption, that all boylovers are rapists, will be close behind in 'popularity'.
I'm a boylover, and have been, to all intents and purposes, for 40 years. I've made no secret of that on this blog for getting on for two and a half years. In those four decades, I can assure anyone reading this, who might want to suggest that the only difference between me and Jerry Sandusky is that I haven't been caught yet, that:
a) I've never raped anyone
b) I've never remotely wanted to.
Rape, as I've said before here, is a crime that fills me with horror, the ultimate 'fate worse than death' for a victim, because while a murder victim might suffer the same feelings of violation and powerlessness, they don't, and I say this at the risk of sounding dreadfully callous, have to live with the psychological consequences in the aftermath. And, because of my own feelings about and towards boys, the idea of the rape of a boy horrifies me most of all. If Sandusky is a rapist, and the jury, on the basis of the evidence have concluded that he is, then he fully deserves to be punished. But punished as a rapist, on the same terms and at the same level of societal opprobrium as any other rapist. There has been much made of his abuse of his position to gain access to boys, but would the moral position of a senior manager in a large company who coerced junior employees (of legal age) into sex and intimidated subordinates into keeping quiet about it be any different? I wouldn't say so.
I've run out of time for the moment, work calls. I'll return with more later.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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