Saturday 3 October 2015

Struggling again

The downs certainly seem to be outweighing the ups at the moment. I slipped back into the slough of despond I was inhabiting on Thursday, basically for the same reasons - fed up with my life, in just about all of its aspects. It was more difficult in another way today, as well - my brother and sister-in-law came up to London to go to the theatre, and I'd arranged to meet them for a pre-performance meal. I warned them when they arrived that I wasn't likely to be particularly sparkling company, and why, but, in the event, I did manage to avoid the worst excesses of antisocial self-pity, so it actually turned out to be a reasonably congenial late afternoon/early evening, even if the 'black dog' was never all that far from the surface. And so my time off comes to an end, and it's up a 'stupid o'clock' in the morning to go back to the den of fuckwittery masquerading as my workplace. I can hardly wait.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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