Thursday 4 February 2016

A boy. And a boy

One on the tube to the 'Ultima Thule' end of the line, on the way from work to my local, 14-ish, on his own (shock, horror!), not wildly cute, but no gargoyle, either, intermittently laughing at whatever it was he was watching on his phone in an utterly endearing way. The chance to have taken him home would've been a dream come true, but they never do come true, of course. And now, in the pub, Daniel, in social rather than work mode. He must be nearer to 19 than 18 now, given the length of time he's been serving behind the bar when he is working, but he could still pass for 16, still as much boy as young man, to my eyes, anyway. Another hopeless daydream. But a legal one, if nothing else.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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