Thursday 20 October 2016

Another in my long and lengthening....

....series of abject failures. I've chanced to re-read some of my posts from 18 months or so ago referring to my propensity towards 'self-censorship', and how, if I were to continue blogging, it wouldn't happen again - say what you think, or don't say anything. What a pathetic effort I've made to live up to that aspiration. Without exaggeration, almost every day sees me ranting inwardly about this, that or the other subject about which I disagree with 'society', but how often do I commit those thoughts to cyberspace? Virtually never. Who and what, exactly, am I afraid of? Given my freely admitted status as a boylover, most people are going to hate me anyway, so what have I got to lose? Maybe my cowardice could be excused in the face of the opprobrium aimed in the direction of those like me, but I can never excuse myself on those grounds. I should be more determined, not less, to 'have my say' in the face of the world's disapproval, but I simply don't seem to be able to do it. 'Don't let the bastards grind you down' might be an admirable aim - if you can manage it.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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