Sunday 18 November 2012


For the first time since my last visit to our old home in Cornwall, the best part of six months ago, I've spent more than one night away from my accommodation in 'domicile-ville' this weekend, staying with my brother and his family in Kent. The main object of the exercise was to take my brother and sister-in-law for their birthday meal, postponed from September, and that was achieved, albeit not quite in the way that was originally envisaged. It looked for most of yesterday morning as though the outing was going to have to be rearranged again, because my sister-in-law wasn't feeling too well, but after a little rest, she declared herself well enough to go out for lunch, rather than the evening meal we'd had in mind. This turned out to be the first of two pieces of serendipity, because, after some prevarication as to where to go, we found ourselves in a village pub ten or so minutes drive from their house, and which has recently reopened under new management and of whose food good reports had been starting to emerge. And they were right, for once - the food was excellent, and not by any means overly expensive. It turned out to be one of the best pub meals I've had in years, and, more importantly, given that it was my joint birthday present to them, my guests had much the same opinion.
The second piece of good fortune was linked to the first in more ways than one. My sister-in-law had wanted to eat at lunchtime because, given her indifferent health, she didn't think she'd be up to a late night, which left my brother and I free to go out yesterday evening, and arrangements were soon made for us to meet up with some old friends of ours who I hadn't seen for a couple of years, one of them being my closest (non-related) female friend. I was a bit nervous about how she might react to my divorce and the reasons behind it, but she was so lovely and supportive, as I should have expected, as was her husband, who's also one of my oldest and closest friends. The evening as a whole was thoroughly enjoyable, and something I very much hope to repeat, sooner rather than later. So as not to leave the connection to lunchtime hanging, the previous time I'd been in the village pub where we'd eaten, which was several years ago, was to play in a pub quiz which marked the final ever appearance of an almost perfect quiz team line-up, including myself and my female friend, perfect because as well as all being good 'quizzers' in our own right, we covered each others' weaknesses in the subjects we were individually strongest in. Not only did that team never lose, we never even came close to losing. Nevermore, though, as spake the raven, because one of our number emigrated to Australia shortly after that match, and it's a bit far to  commute to a quiz!
Today has been rather quieter, a family day whose centrepiece was a very, very good Sunday lunch cooked by my brother, all most enjoyable, especially in comparison to my now rather habitually solitary lifestyle. A good weekend, all in all.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Hello Sammy. I am glad you had a good weekend. It sounds as if you had a chance to rest and recharge your spirit and got comfortable in a way you have not in a long while.

    I do have one question...If I read your post right, people know why you and your ex-wife got divorced. It strikes me as very crass that people would ask for that information. It seems to me it is not anyone's business why you divorced, they only need know you did.

    Do people actually ask you why, and if so how do you answer. I would tell them it is not their business and if I felt they should know I would have already told them. I would hope the people you know would be more polite and respectful of you. Hugs

    1. Hello Scottie
      It was a good weekend, and good to catch up with family and friends. In answer to your question, I wasn't asked about the reasons for my divorce, but chose to tell two people who I've been very close friends with for nearly thirty years the truth of the situation rather than them hearing something by way of another session of 'Chinese Whispers'. If it had just been some random acquaintance, such as someone at work, I would indeed have told them to mind their own business, more or less politely according to the degree of intrusiveness!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. So good to hear about good times! I will be with family, both brothers but probably not my sister, in the coming week for Thanksgiving. The reasons for certain happenings in my life might well become a topic to discuss, I certainly think it's past time for it to happen. I hope my outcome, should the topic arise, be as supportive as yours was! I guess it is true, it gets better!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      I've enjoyed the weekend, and I hope that your Thanksgiving get togethers are as enjoyable for you, and as positive in terms of empathy and support. You're the same person you've always been, after all, so why should it be otherwise?

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
