Sunday 27 September 2015

And it was all going so well

Relatively speaking, at least. I met K's latest boyfriend last night, and he seems OK - he spoke to me, if nothing else, a step up from one or two of his predecessors - and my girl is happy at the moment, which is the object of the exercise, after all. Then, venturing out at midday today, I almost immediately came across one of those boys who aren't just cute, or pretty, or sexy, he was all of that, and more, simply adorable. He was just a 'ghost', of course, gone for ever in the mere seconds that my bus was at the stop where he was waiting for, evidently, a different service, but he made me smile inside, a mood that lasted for several hours, and through my seeing several more cuties on what proved to be a beautifully sunny early autumn day. It all juddered to a halt, though, in late afternoon. Why? Maybe surfeit, just one lovely boy too many. The boy in question wasn't necessarily the best looking guy you've ever seen, but the whole package, his 11-ish perfection, was too much for me to cope with, and my mood was comprehensively punctured by the implacable needle of 'never'. And now, back in my local, there's been no sign of Cameron, as has been the case all weekend - he can't come in on his own, obviously, so it's his family as a whole that have been on the missing list - which has made me even less happy with life. But then, 'society' would say, the likes of me don't deserve to be happy.

2250 edit: K's boyfriend has apparently said I'm 'really nice'. I hope my girl disabuses him of that misconception ASAP. I'm vile. The 99%+ of 'society' who would think so can't be wrong. Can they?

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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