Friday 6 November 2015

Flowing downhill

The still relatively new, openly gay guy at my workplace has, on the whole, been accepted more readily than I thought he might (to his face, at least - I've heard one or two pretty unpleasant things said when he hasn't been around, the word 'degenerate' probably marking the nadir). I get along well enough with him, more because he's intelligent, a sadly rare commodity amongst all too many of my colleagues, than because of his sexuality, given that I'm completely 'closeted' at work, but I wasn't at all enamoured of something he said this morning. If I'd confronted him, he doubtless would've claimed it was 'banter', but the very snide remark he made about another colleague of ours (who wasn't present, needless to say, and of whom there's not the least actual evidence of impropriety) who's a Cub Scout leader really got up my back. It was a perfect example of a phenomenon I've mentioned before, whereby someone who is in a disfavoured group tries to find an even less favoured group to vilify. Except, of course, when you're already deemed to be the 'lowest of the low'. Then all you can do is to try to carry on living your life in such a way as to avoid hurting anyone else. Not that the rest of 'society' will think any more of you for your restraint, but at least a hint of self-respect has a chance of being retained.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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