Wednesday 25 July 2012

I wish I could link.... a particular Tumblr post here, but, sadly, it would just be too risky, because it would immediately identify the person I care most about in the world, and, by association, me as well. My daughter has posted a cover version of a song, which I hadn't heard before, but which is apparently well known in her milieu, and it is stunning! She sings, plays ukelele and keyboards, and has added some 'rhythmic clapping' percussion, mixed on some 'music maker' software I bought her for her birthday last year. She's such a talented girl. And I miss her so much.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Can't you do an upload/download/sideload or cut-n-paste of the audio file somehow, so as to conceal the person's identity?

    I'm sure Jay can help you out with it.

    Let's hear it, man!

    (it would do you a world of good, methinks.)



    1. Hello Andy
      I hadn't really even thought about alternative means of getting the song 'publicised' - I'll see what can be done. Looking at her Tumblr earlier, she's doing another cover tomorrow (she's been out and about with friends today), so that will be something to look forward to. And she told me she's trying to write some original stuff, too, when I spoke to her yesterday. Interesting times.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. HAHAHAHA! Yeah, it's probably doable...but I understand the reasoning.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      My daughter is, allegedly, going to e-mail me the audio file, so there may be some reasonably idiot-proof way that I can post it here. We'll see.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    2. I hope you can post it, you really made me curious. If it's not possible, at least you have a daughter to be proud of. But I guess you already knew that.

      Ps If you want me to I can upload your file to my Soundcloud account. It can be set "invisible", only to be seen in the player you post on your blog.


    3. Hello Daniel
      I'm still waiting for my daughter to e-mail me the audio file - being 14, and on summer holiday, she's got other, more important things to do, it seems! And yes, I'm very proud of her.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
