Monday 13 January 2014

Are you sure?

Had I had a mouthful of coffee, or equivalent, at the time, I probably would've choked. The moment, that is, at work this morning when our resident 'archbigot', apparently with a straight face, said 'gays have more rights than straight people in this country nowadays'. If that's what you really think, try living on this side of the fence for a few months, and then give us your assessment again. You'd think there were limits to stupidity, but, on this evidence, maybe not.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Yeah, there's a lot of that shit that gets bandied about here, too. I agree, there seems to be no limit to stupidity! Quite frankly, I'm absolutely positive that the same crap was said 50 or so years ago when blacks begin to acquire their civil rights. At least the gay rights fight has been less violent (mostly, though the toll these days seems to be teens - the victims of stupidity like your archbigot's, and the bullies we can't seem to get under control).

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      I often wonder, hearing some of the claptrap that comes out of a number of my colleagues' mouths, what happened to the concept of 'live and let live'. If the 'archbigot' (or anyone else) doesn't want to be involved in a gay relationship, fine, don't get involved. Just stop trying to dictate how other people should live their lives. And the bullying, with its resulting dire consequences, are really just a horrible extension of that dictatorial attitude, as far as I can see. As long as any relationship, gay or straight, is legal and consensual, it is absolutely no-one else's business.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
