Sunday 24 January 2016

The weekend, and Sammy's Postulate

My doctor certainly wouldn't be impressed. He pursed his lips at my estimate of how many units of alcohol I'd consume this weekend, so the fact that I'd reached that point before I went to bed last night, and that I'm back in my local again this evening, would probably bring on another lecture. (*shrugs*) The cause of my 'irresponsibility' is the usual. Boys. Droves of them. It really has been one of those weekends. On one level, delightful to see, but in terms of my mental equilibrium, torture. I could single out several, ranging from the almost legal to the completely untouchable, who especially piqued my interest, but that would simply be rubbing salt into the proverbial wounds. I might say it's been a bit of a rollercoaster, but, overall, there have been far more downs than ups.
It has led to the postulate, though. Every 'caucasian' or otherwise lighter-skinned boy I've seen wearing an orange coat (orange certainly seems to be the 'colour of the season' for such garments) has been an absolute cutie. So I propose that all such boys in orange coats are cuties. Now that I've put the theory forward, the very next orange-coated boy I see will probably disprove it. Such is the nature of science!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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