Monday 18 January 2016

Unintended consequences?

I've made an offer today that might lead to something I've wanted for a very long time - or something I've been trying to avoid for an equally long time. Or it may lead to nothing at all. I was talking to my friend at work, while I was on a break this morning, about education, K's initially, then moving on to how his sons are doing. And it transpires that the younger boy, the little darling I met just before New Year, who has, hitherto, been seen as a 'plodder', not unintelligent, but not academically gifted, either, has suddenly and somewhat unexpectedly started doing very well in maths, and, even though he's not 10 until the summer, has already expressed an interest in becoming an accountant. After a little consideration, I made my proposal, namely that I would be more than willing to help the boy academically, if my friend and his wife - and the boy himself, of course - wanted me to. My friend seemed pleasantly surprised at the idea, which was a relief - I was worried that by making such an offer, I might be construed as impugning their intelligence, or parental skills, or both - thanking me rather profusely. And I can't deny that I would love to be involved, in however small a way, with someone like J (yes, another J, boys with that initial seem to find their way under my skin on a regular basis). But there is a flipside, too. My strategy for dealing with my attraction to boys has been, more or less exclusively, to simply stay away from them, so to potentially commit myself to breaching that 'wall of separation' is, at the very least, a risk. Not so much now, but J will be moving into my 'window of attraction' within the next couple of years. Without the aid of a crystal ball, I've no idea whether this could lead to my being happy in having a new friend whose life I can impact in a positive way, or to the edge of a disastrous abyss, or, as I said, to nothing at all if the proposal bears no fruit. Time, as ever, will tell.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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