Sunday 2 May 2010


I had a long phone conversation yesterday with my cousin, who's also my long-term best friend. We don't meet up so often these days, living as we do at opposite ends of the country, but Christmas and birthdays, and a few other random occasions, are often marked by marathon catch-up sessions. We've known each other so well for so long that surprises are few and far between, but he genuinely took me aback on this occasion by saying that him and his wife and family are seriously considering emigrating to New Zealand. Apparently, the only thing that's holding them back at the moment is his wife being reluctant to leave her elderly parents. This, coming from someone who's lived within a 3 mile radius of his present home for his whole life, is certainly not what I would have expected, but, if they all think that is what will be best for them, then why not. Oddly enough, my parents briefly looked into the possibility of going to New Zealand in the early 1970's, but I don't think it was ever close to actually happening.
I've considered leaving the UK on several occasions, although my ambitions don't stretch to the other side of the world - I would love to live in Spain, the Canary Islands in particular. If I hadn't met my wife when I did, I might well have actually done it - I was pretty disillusioned with life at the time, for various reasons, and leaving it all behind was an appetising prospect. My desire to get away fluctuates according to life circumstances and mood - logically, I suppose, the lower I get, the more I want to go - but I would never go without my wife and daughter in any foreseeable circumstances, so I guess it's not going to happen at the moment. Perhaps retirement to sunnier climes might come to fruition, but not for a few more years, I suspect.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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