Monday 10 September 2012

It jumped out at me!

I was thinking about what, if anything, to say about my day, and couldn't really come up with anything much, so I wasn't going to bother. Being at a relatively loose end, I logged onto Spotify for the first time in weeks. And was greeted, as part of a playlist recommendation, with this:

Only, in my humble opinion, the most beautiful portrait photograph ever - I owned, until the recent implosion of my life, a framed copy of this album cover, one of the myriad things that were left behind in Cornwall. In case anyone isn't aware, it's the cover of U2's first album, Boy - at least, it's the European version of the album artwork, a different cover had to be used in the US after accusations that the band were advocating paedophilia. Which just goes to show that the insane paranoia about depictions of beautiful boys isn't exactly a recent phenomenon, I suppose.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I remember that flap, years ago. Pissed me off then, pisses me off now.

    It's really a shame you weren't able to save so many things that meant something to you.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      As far as the controversy over the picture goes, it was just another example of 'never underestimate the stupidity of the religious right', in my opinion. U2 weren't exactly a big name band at the time, so, with any luck, the affair might have raised their profile a bit, and led to a few more copies of what is a very good album being sold.
      What, if anything, the past few months have taught me is that the 'things' that accumulate over the years are irrelevant, compared to the personal side of the end of a relationship. Yes, there are a few things I'm sorry not to have anymore, but they're very small beer compared to what's been lost in terms of love and life.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
