Tuesday 11 September 2012

On the slide

When I set out from 'domicile-ville' this morning,  I had a certain amount of 'bounce', both physiologically and, more unusually of late, psychologically. Although it wasn't nearly as warm as over the past weekend, there was pretty much unbroken blue sky, and I was feeling as well as my hiccuping heart, and the minor aches and pains of middle age, normally allow. As the day has progressed, though, things have rather deteriorated. My feeling of physical well-being has ebbed somewhat, for no easily definable reason, while my mood has also declined from the dizzy heights of near-cheerfulness it was threatening to reach earlier. Perhaps the dip in my satisfaction quotient is partly explicable - the weather has taken a distinct turn for the autumnal, cool and grey with some spots of rain in the air, and I also got to thinking, apropos of nothing in particular, about what would probably happen to me if a failure of self-control put me on the wrong side of the  judicial/penal system. Not, I have to say, a happy prospect, either way, really - deny your real self forever, or find yourself as the most hated - and vulnerable - of hate figures. Heads you lose, tails you lose as well.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Please don't let any failures of self control occur! Please!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      If it was as easy as saying 'OK, I'll be a good boy forever', life would be a lot less complicated. Sadly, I can't say such a thing without lying, as much to myself as the world at large. I'm not expecting to go out and break the law today, or tomorrow, but I would never claim that it couldn't happen under any circumstances. All I can do is to try my best to live my life without hurting anyone else.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
