Friday 26 April 2013

The middle of the night, revisited

I had an early night. I was feeling pretty tired - I actually fell asleep in the middle of one of my mindless games, which, predictably enough, rapidly reached the 'game over' stage. And I slept fairly well - for all of about three hours. Now here I am again, coming up to 3:00 in the morning, completely unable to get back to sleep. Given that I'm supposedly going back to work for a late shift later on, this isn't an ideal state of affairs. My whole metabolism seems to be completely screwed up at the moment. To say I'm fed up with it is a considerable understatement.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I hate when this happens. Hope you get caught up with your sleep!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Yes, thank you, I managed to get back to sleep eventually, at around 4:30, and got another 4 hours, which left me to face the day reasonably compos mentis, if still rather less than corpore sano!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. Hi there, Sammy

    There seems to be quite a lot of evidence that we have evolved to have two four-hour sleeps each night, with an hour or two awake between, and that the single eight-hour sleep is a modern development arising from better lighting and industrialisation. This BBC News article says a lot about this:

    Take care


    1. Hello Mark
      That was certainly my pattern that night - three hours sleep, then awake for three, then another four hours. What's this 'eight hour sleep' of which you speak, though? Not something my metabolism has heard of, seemingly!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
