Thursday 19 June 2014

London life....and its pitfalls

Living in London has numerous advantages, access to pretty much any sort of culture, entertainment, music, shopping, food, with lots of interesting places to visit and a very cosmopolitan range of people to share the city with, even if, like me, the interactions are mostly confined to 'people watching'. It's not all roses, though, and I fell into one of the pitfalls this morning. I left for work half an hour earlier than usual, thinking that would leave me more than enough time for a 'retail experience' en route, namely acquiring a new pair of trousers for the 'do' on Saturday evening, something, given my ample physique, that requires me to go to clothes shops that cater for....well, ample physiques! I knew where to go and how to get there, though, while more or less sticking to a fairly direct route to work. And it all went according to plan, for the first twenty minutes, at least, but then - enter the pitfall. Traffic. To be exact, a seemingly intractable traffic jam (due to roadworks, as it transpired) my bus became entangled in. After crawling little more than a few hundred yards in a quarter of an hour, I simply gave up, got off and walked the mile or so to the nearest railway station, not only arriving before the bus, but before the bus had even come back into sight. So there was my extra half hour, gone, the shopping trip was scrapped, and I headed straight into work. At least I had, during my revised journey, the consolation of seeing a supercute tourist boy, Mediterranean looking, with flawless olive skin, russet brown hair and a lovely face, on the bus I took to 'cut the corner' between two mainline stations on the way to 'worktown'. Too young - aren't they always? - but still so nice to see. London life!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. It rained here today, right at rush hour. 20mph on the Interstate highway, for 3 miles, then 30 for the next 5 or 6. Getting home was interminable. I'd rather sit on a stalled bus but we don't have those here.

    Anyway, glad you made it to work on time, guess you'll have to find another time to get your new trousers!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      London being the insanely busy place it is, these things happen occasionally - I've been late for work twice, albeit only by a few minutes in each case, since I moved. And I agree that I'd much rather be on public transport in such circumstances - at least you can do what I did yesterday, get out and walk!
      There is a Plan B for the shopping trip, too - the place I was heading for isn't too far from where I'll be meeting K on Saturday, so I might well go en route.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
