Thursday 12 June 2014

Work/life balance

Or its absence. My days at the moment are split into 14 hours of work, or travelling to and from work, and 10 hours for everything else, including sleep. I'm getting very, very tired. And I'm only halfway through the week. If it wasn't for the knowledge that I'm doing this to facilitate K's education, and, hopefully, her future well-being, I'd be tempted to walk away from the whole shooting match. Yesterday.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Whew boy...I get you. Next week my days start at 7AM, so up by 6, out the door by 6:20, then off at 5:30PM, home by 6ish...I hate it. Not 14 hours, but 12 is more than enough. 10 more years, hopefully no more.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      There certainly are days when early retirement looks as appealing as the Golden Fleece, and yesterday was one of them, in spades. But I will, no doubt, keep battling on, as, I'm sure, will you.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
