Wednesday 27 November 2013

A bit fragile

I've woken up feeling a bit 'morning-afterish' today, but, for once, not for a bad reason. I spent yesterday evening with my brother, who is up in the London area on a course, and we went out for a meal and, needless to say a few beers. A few too many, evidently, in my case! He's recently set up as a self-employed consultant in his area of expertise, after being made redundant in a 'management reshuffle' at his former company over the past summer, and his new venture seems to have taken off pretty well, with a goodly amount of fairly well-paid work heading his way already, including, ironically, working (albeit indirectly) for my benighted employer - he's off to their national HQ after his course finishes later today, for the rest of this week. Hopefully, the good start to his business will continue and expand, something that seems likely - another contract he's been working on will, in all probability, involve his spending a week in the US early next year, at a rather lucrative daily rate, and with travel and accommodation expenses paid on top. I wish him the best of luck, of course - he and my sister-in-law have helped me a great deal over the last 18 months or so, as my life disintegrated around me, help for which, as they know, I'm extremely grateful.
Well, now that I've had some toast and coffee, I'm feeling rather more human, so I'll be getting ready to head out and about for another day's meandering shortly - trying to avoid too much alcohol!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I woke up yesterday morning in the same condition. I got home from work to find the power out, so it was dark and cold. I went and got some atificial (liquid) heat, and had a bit too much. Fortunately, the headache eased as I got on the road to Ohio, and I've felt pretty good since! Enjoy your days off.
    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Never again until the next time, as I always say in these circumstances! I hope your family time goes as you would wish.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
