Thursday 28 November 2013

I know I've said this before....

....but it keeps happening, and it annoys me intensely every time. I've just heard a news story on the radio about a Welsh rock musician who, according to the report, was convicted yesterday of 'being a paedophile'. No he fucking wasn't, because being a paedophile isn't illegal (although I have little doubt it would be made so if politicians could find a way of getting away with it), any more than thinking about robbing a bank or killing your boss is illegal. What he was convicted of was a result of acting on his sexuality, not its existence. That distinction made seem pedantic to many, but if the line between thoughts and actions is ever removed in a formal, legal way, then Orwell's 'thoughtcrime' based society would be here, with everyone - because who can honestly say that they've never even thought of doing something illegal, or 'immoral' - open to conviction at the whim of politicians and/or political expediency. Some might think it perfectly justified for those like me to be locked up just for who we are and what we think, and might very well vote accordingly, but when they themselves found they were being locked up for thinking of voting for the 'wrong' party, they would have no grounds for complaint, as far as I'm concerned. A clichĂ©, yes, but it would be the beginning of a very slippery slope.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I agree. The semantics are important for many reasons.
    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      It is, as ever, the fact that so many can't seem to distinguish, particularly when it comes to this subject area, between what you are and what you do that's so irritating. My ranting won't, of course, change anything, but at least it gets it out of my system.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
