Wednesday 20 November 2013


....the weaker the opposition, the tighter the despotism.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever.

A couple of news stories I've come across in the past 24 hours seem to me to illustrate both that the priorities of modern society have become ridiculously skewed, and that the day when the Orwellian concept of 'thoughtcrime' (hence the Nineteen Eighty-four quotes) becomes reality has come much, much closer.
First of all, I saw on the front page of a national newspaper yesterday that the prime minister has 'directed' the intelligence services to 'investigate the 'dark net' of paedophiles'. The resources of GCHQ, supposedly one of country's major bastions of national security, are going to be utilised to deliver another 'stamp to the face' of the softest of soft political targets, 'these revolting people' as Cameron was quoted as saying. It's just cheap, cynical political point scoring, something the 'sheeple' can look at and be conned into thinking what a wonderful job the putrid collection of self-serving twats masquerading as our government are doing. But what the vast majority of the public won't have the wit to understand, of course, is that it's the thin end of a very large wedge - if 'filthy paedos' can be spied on, so can everyone else. And who sets the criteria for what's 'acceptable' to think or speak about? Those same self-serving politicians.
And then this morning, Northern Ireland's attorney general has suggested that there should be no further prosecutions, or even investigations, into killings related to 'The Troubles' in the province. If a senior law officer had suggested that a similar amnesty be invoked for 'historic sex offences', there would, with no doubt at all, be howls from all sides for him to be sacked, if not lynched. But for suggesting that many, many individuals should literally 'get away with murder'? All in a day's work, seemingly. Just when I think my contempt for politicians can't be any deeper, they prove me wrong.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. They base all decisions on what will help them as individuals the most. That is all.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      That's what annoys me so much - the only motivation for the vast majority of politicians is to say or do what they perceive will get enough of the 'sheeple' to vote for them at the next election, so that they can retain their personal power and privilege. And if a small minority (or even a large one) have to be thrown under the bus to facilitate that, sobeit. And if it's a group that can be 'otherised', dehumanised, all the better.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
