Monday 9 December 2013

Articulacy after the event

Ever had the experience of knowing what you wanted to say, but not being able to find the right words? When I was out with my friend yesterday, I lightheartedly mentioned the accusation of my being 'a nice guy' made while I was carousing with my work colleagues last Friday, and how I knew it wasn't true. When he kindly suggested that it actually was true, I couldn't find a way to properly explain my assertion. Now, more than 24 hours later, I've organised my thoughts sufficiently to express what I was trying to convey. That there's just too much darkness inside, darkness born of who I am and what I want, but also a product of the way the world views me and those like me, for me ever to be considered 'nice'. Even, or maybe especially, by myself.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. You're a nice guy! C'mon, not every compliment has to be brushed off. Sometimes, the outside is one thing, but I also don't think your insides are dark or bad, or not nice!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      It's almost the opposite way about from your comment - I can come across as a 'nice guy' superficially, on the odd occasions I can loosen up enough and overcome my borderline social phobia, but it's the knowing what's inside that means that I can't accept 'nice' as an adjective that could ever realistically be applied to me.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
