Sunday 6 July 2014

A weekend with Xander

Given that I haven't been out of the flat since I hurriedly arrived back here on Thursday afternoon, I've needed to find ways and means of occupying myself (in between silly amounts of trips to the toilet, that is). Not for the first time when I've been at a relatively loose end over the past year and a bit, quite a lot of my time has been spent in the company, so to speak, of a certain beautiful, funny, intelligent, blond haired pubescent boy from South East London. Yes, saddo that I am, I've reread Alexandrine. Again. And, unashamedly, I'm more than happy to say that I still love my magnum opus, however masturbatory that makes me sound.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. It's a fine piece of work! Nothing wrong with enjoying it over and over!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      I have no doubt that I'll read it again before too long - after all, someone has to, because it's pretty much sunk without trace otherwise, present company excepted.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
