Monday 7 July 2014

Escape, and beautiful eyes

My weekend malady finally seems to have settled down - I'm back to work at stupid o'clock tomorrow - so I finally felt up to making my escape from the flat this morning. K was due to be out for most of the day anyway - it's one of her London based friend's birthday - so I've reverted to type, and taken myself jaunting. I even had a bit of a (predominantly downhill) walk at one point, taking advantage of the sunshine prevailing at the time, although it's raining again now. Just as the weather began to turn, though, early this afternoon, I had a 'ghost' moment. There seemed to be quite a few school age youngsters out and about today, given that the summer holidays don't start for another couple of weeks, so I was wondering whether some schools had used a 'Baker Day' to coincide with the visit of the Tour de France to London. Whether my speculation was accurate or not, I've no idea, but, either way, my 'moment' came at the bus station outside a huge West London shopping centre, when a boy of maybe 13 walked by. He was moderately cute in general terms, and thus caught my attention, but, as he came closer, I noticed that he had the loveliest pale blue eyes - and eyes are one of my very favourite features as far as good looks are concerned, irrespective of age or gender. He reminded me of J, and that awful night in Manchester, of course, but not too traumatically, so, overall, I was simply able to appreciate his beauty, and move on. Would that it was so easy all the time.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. A nice view is always nice! I had the same at the parade last Friday. Very nice!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Yes, I would almost always rather see a cutie than not, even if it does ratchet up the frustration levels sometimes. Not so yesterday, though - as I said, just seeing him and his lovely eyes was good enough.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
