Sunday 18 May 2014

There's more than one way.... sneak into cyberspace, in this case, taking advantage of a substantially earlier finish at work than I'd been expecting to head to my local on the way home, and hook the Kindle up to their WiFi. I can get online at the flat, but my connection is still frustratingly unstable, as well as being much slower than I'm used to. That's not an issue here, though, and there is, of course, the added advantage of a cold beer or two to round off what has been a very warm and summery day, albeit one I've spent a goodly part of in the air conditioned cocoon of my workplace.
My journey to work yesterday was a bit of a nightmare, as my decision to go through the West End to indulge in a bit of cutie spotting rather blew up in my face as the whole area was gridlocked for reasons I never got to the bottom of, so I let discretion be the better part of valour today, heading for the simplest, but relatively slow option of a bus to my nearest suburban station for a 'stops everywhere' direct train to 'worktown'. And I was rewarded with a boy moment! He was 12-ish, pretty tall for his age, more than a little cute, and he actually spoke to me, albeit briefly. Inconsequential, really, but, as I've said before in this context, any moment of contact is more than welcome, as far as I'm concerned. It gives me, at least, the hope that I could find a boy who might become a friend, which would be more than enough for me. Let the haters think that all I want is sex, it doesn't change the truth.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Can't tell you what yesterday was like! WOW! My eyes are still sore!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Sounds interesting! Eye candy is fine, of course, but it would be nice to be able to take that one extra step, into acquaintance, or even friendship. One day, maybe.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
