Friday 15 August 2014


Today's front pages, at least of the tabloid persuasion, were pretty much exclusively focused on 'historic sexual abuse' allegations made against Cliff Richard, and the associated police investigation. I have, of course, not the slightest idea whether there's any truth in the allegations or not - given the singer's public persona, I'd be surprised if they were true, but I couldn't help thinking wryly that boys are so insanely, mind-manglingly desirable that maybe even someone so (superficially?) saintly couldn't resist their allure. Time will tell, I guess.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Yes, we see those headlines over here, too. Makes one wonder!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      In the current climate here, in the wake of Jimmy Savile, and all that, this sort of allegation is very easy to make, and very hard to disprove. If it is true, though, the hypocrisy meters will be strained to the limit, given his endless protestation of his Christianity and chastity. At least I admit to being attracted to boys, however unpopular that makes me.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
