Saturday 21 March 2015

Eclipse, and the start of the new football season

Yesterday's solar eclipse was a bit of a non-event, at least in this part of the world - it was only a partial eclipse here, anyway, and, given that there there was 100% overcast, absolutely nothing to see. The only discernible effect was to render the morning unusually dull and cold for the time of year, with the reduction in sunlight hitting the tops of the clouds. It's all a perfectly natural phenomenon, of course, but that hasn't prevented assorted religiots from claiming it as a 'sign from God', the 'beginning of the end times', et al. I was particularly amused by the claim, in one report, that, because the line of totality crossed Northern Europe, 'God's message' was particularly aimed at us European heathens. The only message here is that these people ought to have paid more attention in their school science lessons (if they ever took any), as far as I'm concerned.
When I got up again yesterday afternoon, in full accordance with Sod's law, the clouds had dispersed, there was blue sky as far as the eye could see, and warm sunshine. It wasn't the worst of all possible worlds, though, because a number of the 'local' boys, the ones that live in our block, were out in the communal garden at the back for the first time in several months that I've seen, playing football. Including, most notably from my perspective, the 'next door but one' cutie. Being on nights severely restricts my 'eye candy spotting' opportunities, so it was a nice outcome for the eye candy to come to me, as it were. Bring on the summer!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Ah, eye candy, and right underfoot! I was at a marathon today (yes, one of those ridiculous 26.2 mile races that people who love to punish themselves enter), and apparently, good looking guys do not like to punish themselves thusly. No eye candy, not one iota!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Each to their own, as far as marathon running (or anything else) is concerned, but if there's no eye candy, I won't be going along to watch!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
