Monday 6 April 2015


The campaign for next month's general election is now in full swing, with politicos and pundits on TV and radio ad nauseam, and the press, especially the right-wing tabloid end of the market, shamelessly lying on a daily basis, according to the fiats of their paymasters. Now that I'm re-enfranchised, having a permanent address once more, there's no doubt who I'm going to vote for - the constituency I live in is a Tory-held marginal, and 'my' MP is a smug, worthless 'backbench-warmer' who I wouldn't have recognised if I'd tripped over him in the street, until he, or, almost certainly, one of his minions, sent me his election leaflet (in a House of Commons envelope, no doubt at my, as a taxpayer's, expense) a few days ago. It went straight into the recycling bag, needless to say. Interestingly, there's no UKIP candidate in our constituency, suggesting to me that there's been some kind of 'under the table' arrangement not to challenge the sitting fascist, and thus split the vote, in a place where the most recent opinion poll I've seen only projects the incumbent to win by 3%.
The other thing that's struck me over the past few days is that Cameron seems unnaturally 'young-looking' in his recent TV appearances. Style over substance goes without saying in this 'media age', but our glorious leader looks as though he's had plastic surgery, or, at the very least, some serious make-up 'assistance'. I think the electorate should be told!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I am dreading the next two years of "campaigning". Smearing feces all over each other is closer to the truth. Not to mention, one of the GOP contenders for the nomination pulled out the "God hates fags" quote yesterday. Thankfully, he couldn't get elected dogcatcher!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      It's all unspeakable, quite frankly - I cordially loathe all politicians, but the farther right they lean, the more loathsome they seem to be. I got my polling card in the post today, but even that seemed to rub in the 'vested interest' elements of the process - my polling station is a church hall, and not even particularly close by. I'll have to swallow my distaste for both politics and religion to register my vote, but vote I will, unless I'm physically unable.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
