Wednesday 19 June 2013

Breaking the routine, but not quite. And some family news

My first day out of hospital for almost a fortnight has largely been a relaxing one - I had a couple of phone calls to make this morning, but nothing that involved leaving the building - but the 'ward routine' has still asserted itself in one respect, namely my seemingly huge intake of medication. On top of taking six different types of tablet, I'm also having to give myself two injections each day for the next few days, until they're replaced by yet another tablet. I've still got one more pill to take tonight, in half an hour or so, and there will only be eight hours or so of respite before I start the process again tomorrow morning. I know the medication is in a good cause, namely keeping me from falling back into the pit of ill health I've been struggling with for weeks past, but the prospect of taking so many pills on an indefinite basis isn't all that appetising.
When I spoke to my daughter this evening, there was some substantive news amongst the general chit-chat. The previous couple of times I'd spoken to her, I'd heard mention of a name I hadn't come across before, and the name cropped up again today. The upshot of it is that she appears to have acquired a new boyfriend, someone she met through mutual friends, and who lives locally to her. She seems to be happy with things at the moment, so, naturally I'm pleased for her. It's early days, of course, and it may be a transient thing, or it may not, but as long as she's safe and happy, that's good enough for me. It's ironic, in a way, because on the day I was admitted to hospital for the second time, I had a phone call from my ex as I was getting ready to go out (for what proved to be thirteen days), asking me to speak to my daughter, because my ex was 'concerned' that the girl was, on Facebook, or somewhere, suggesting that she might be bisexual. I pointed out to my ex that I consider my daughter's sexuality, whatever it is, as absolutely none of my business, but if it's one of the issues causing the evident friction between the girl and her mother, I'd address the matter for that reason only. My daughter and I have agreed that we'll have a chat about it, but probably not until I see her next, whenever that might be. I've said before that I, personally, don't believe my daughter is other than straight, from things she's said to me, but, ultimately, she is what she is, and I certainly won't be doing anything other than showing her unconditional love, whichever direction she chooses. Whether my ex would do the same, is, I'm afraid, somewhat doubtful.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Hi there, Sammy

    I'm glad to hear the day has gone well. I'm guessing the medications are to manage the various symptoms, to give your body a fighting chance of recovering from the underlying problem. Hopefully the medications will taper off as and when the medics determine they're no longer needed.

    I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties between your daughter and your ex. If Facebook postings are (part of) the issue, I'd suggest your daughter tones down what she says there, just for the sake of easing the tension, and perhaps finds some other outlet (a blog? Twitter) not monitored by her mother.

    Take care


    1. Hello Mark
      The antibiotics will finish tomorrow, but most of the rest of the stuff I'm taking seems to be there for the long haul. I'll certainly be acquiring a PPC, because it will cost me a fortune otherwise.
      As far as my ex's attitude goes, it really is none of her business. The new boyfriend might ease the tension for a while, but I won't really be able to get that involved until I get to see K. She already has a Twitter account and Tumblr, but I'm slightly bemused by my ex having latched on to any online stuff - whatever her other faults and virtues, she's almost the least computer literate person I know. Maybe all will be revealed at some point.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. I am sure the pill after pill and JABS will get old FAST. I hope you heal much faster than NORMAL!

    As to your daughter, FB does have privacy settings. As an older teen, she ought to be OK without a parent looking over her shoulder.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      As I said to Mark, most of the pills will be long term, although the injections won't - they're a short-term 'bridge' while I'm weaned onto warfarin. The only trouble is, after my outpatient appointment this morning, it's clear that warfarin is going to be an utter pain in the arse, and is going to involve me going backwards and forwards to the hospital like a yo-yo for weeks, if not months.
      I'll need to speak to K to find out what is actually going on, and why. I really can't imagine my ex having the IT wherewithal to have found any of K's online places, so I suspect it's something that's come out in a discussion (argument?) between them. Hopefully I'll find out at some point.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    2. Hi there, Sammy

      My mother has been on warfarin for most of the last twenty years. This seems to require a blood test once every couple of months, though it can be more frequent (up to monthly?) if they've needed to adjust the dose for some reason.

      Fortunately, this doesn't require hospital trips: the phlebotomist attends various local doctors' surgeries on a rota. It might be worth enquiring whether there's a similar service in your area - I can see why having to attend at the hospital each time will be a real pain. Best of luck with it.

      Take care


    3. Hello Mark
      I've just posted about the reasons why I'm so dischuffed at this latest development - the frequent trips to hospital should only be a short-term thing, really, as a little more thought has made me realise, but some of the 'lifestyle' consequences are going to be more difficult to come to terms with.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
