Sunday 30 June 2013


A longish, and somewhat tiring day, but a good one, and certainly worth the effort. I left my accommodation at 8:15 this morning, to catch the first westbound train. A relatively uneventful journey found me arriving about 15 minutes before my daughter, her train being on time as well, allowing us to meet up more or less exactly at midday. We wandered around the shops, with two aims in mind, both successfully achieved - we replaced my daughter's lost phone, although that wasn't a cheap option for me, and bought her a new pair of 'sensible' shoes for her to wear during her week of work experience, which begins tomorrow. Those purchases made, we headed to Wetherspoons for a very leisurely lunch, which proved to be a congenial couple of hours, including plenty of conversation, with a couple of slightly controversial issues being sorted out, my first alcoholic drinks for almost three months, a couple of pints of beer which went down very nicely, and a delicious cutie a few feet away the whole time we were there, which made for very nice viewing. The trip back was a bit of a chore, seeming to take forever and a day, before I finally made it back to base a quarter of an hour or so short of twelve hours after I'd left. All in all, a pleasant way to spend the last day of my sick leave, before I head back to work tomorrow. Back to 'real life', whatever that might be.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I'm sure you must feel GREAT (though tired) after a day like this. And of course there is no cheap option for phones, the companies got you by the 'nads and simply won't let go. I'm also very happy for you and your daughter - obviously you had a momentary burp in your communications. Glad it's all settled now. And back to work. That's going to feel foreign. I hope you have a good day!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Yes, a good day yesterday, and very nice to see K, of course, even if it did put a small dent in my bank account!
      I attended at my place of employment this morning, but 'work' wasn't the right word for it - there will probably be a post about it later.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. Hi there, Sammy

    I'm glad to hear the day went so well - it might have left you tired, but I'm sure it will have helped lift your spirits.

    Best of luck for tomorrow, and resuming working life.

    Take care


    1. Hello Mark
      It was good for K and I to get back onto roughly the same wavelength - you can talk on the phone almost every day, but it's no substitute for face to face conversation. As I said to Jay, work was a bit of a joke, but I suppose the resumption of 'normal service' has to start somewhere - it certainly could've been worse.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
