Tuesday 18 June 2013

Out again

Hopefully for good this time. I got back to my accommodation just over an hour ago, once more courtesy of my brother - he was coming to visit me again today in any case, and when he heard I was going to be discharged, he kindly offered to come anyway, to give me and my goods and chattels a lift back. I prevailed on his good nature still further by asking him to take me to the supermarket en route, so I'm now suitably restocked in grocery terms, too. By the time I got back, I was feeling thoroughly washed out, even with his help, so I think tomorrow is likely to be an 'R & R' day. I'll have to get my rear in gear early on Thursday, though, because I need to be back at the hospital at 9:15 in the morning for an outpatient's appointment in connection with some anticoagulants the doctors want me to take. Yet more pills - I'll be rattling before long. This doesn't read very coherently, probably because I'm exhausted. I'll try and come up with something a bit more fluent tomorrow.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Hi there, Sammy

    This is excellent news - I'm glad to hear it. No doubt you're looking forward to an uninterrupted night's sleep. Best of luck for your recovery continuing out of hospital.

    Take care


    1. Hello Mark
      I'm certainly feeling the need for a good night's sleep - and one where Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all aren't parading past my bed at all hours! My fingers are crossed for getting back to something like normal - given the amount of pharmaceuticals I'm going to be swallowing, any remaining bugs ought to be bludgeoned into submission!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. HAPPY HOMECOMING! Isn't it amazing how exhausted you can be after something as "simple" as a trip home from the hospital. I am sure you will finally get some rest now that you'll be in your own bed, with your own sheets and all that. And if you start rattling, please record it and post it! Deej can make a track out of it!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      I've never thought of my accommodation as 'home', but coming back after almost two weeks in hospital made it seem as homely as it ever has. I've had a good night's sleep in the relative peace and quiet here - I conked out not much after 9:00 last night, and slept through reasonably undisturbed until 7:00 this morning, so that's been a good start to my recuperation. Hopefully the restful theme will continue today, although I'll need to be more active tomorrow, with my appointment back at the hospital in the morning. All part of expediting my overall recovery, so I'll present myself as requested, even if I would have preferred it a few days hence.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  3. Hi there, Sammy

    I hope your day has been suitably restful - ten hours' sleep last night must have helped a lot.

    Take care


    1. Hello Mark
      Yes, today's been pretty chilled, and after, by my standards, a huge amount of sleep, I've been reasonably compos mentis as well. Up early in the morning, though, to make sure I can get to the hospital for my 9:15 outpatient appointment. I've had to set my alarm - I'd almost forgotten how to do it!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
