Wednesday 14 January 2015

The perils of rereading

I'm a great rereader, finding stories I like, and revisiting them time and again. But it isn't always an easy option. I've just read a couple of chapters of a totally wonderful online story I know very well, but there's a difficult, so difficult, chapter coming very soon, if I continue. A chapter that even the foreknowledge of has reduced me to tears. I've written about it before, maybe some long-suffering souls who've been here for a while will remember. Reduced to mush by the fictional fate of a fictional character. Again. Most people who know me think I'm a thoroughly cold fish. But that's just a mask, a coping mechanism. A way of dealing with the fact that, in reality, I'm an emotional animal. Far too emotional, in all honesty. But I can't let it show. That would be giving too much away, make me more vulnerable to ridicule than I already am. Boys don't cry, after all. Except when they do.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Boys do too cry. I do all the time. Read Michael Bowler's "A Boy and his Dragon" and see if you don't cry. I also re-read stuff incessantly. Some of my favorites stories and novels I've read a half-dozen times or more. Cold fish? I remember your smile. No fish smile like that!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      There was a bit of le vin triste last night - literally, I'd just been drinking some Chardonnay before I wrote the post! - but there is a truth there, too. I can get very emotional, and, frankly, I find it a bit embarrassing. Hence the mask, most of the time, at least.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

    2. Oh I get that! RB understands, but at work the other day I finished up A Boy and his Dragon and was tearing up! Not the time or place!
