Sunday 1 January 2012

Another year....

....another hangover, another piece of arrant stupidity on my part. The hangover was something I predicted last night, because I wasn't too restrained in seeing in the New Year, and it duly arrived this morning. At least hangovers have the advantageous characteristic that they get better as the day progresses, so that after a couple of hours, and some toast and coffee, I was feeling much more human. It didn't stop me doing something unbelievably stupid in mid-morning, though, after my wife had finally surfaced from the pit - she was talking about the cat, to which I said something humorous about my position in the household pecking order, which in turn lead to a comment about the picture I posted a while ago of the cat curled up on a dining chair, looking like she was expecting to be waited on. My wife had seen the picture before, but said she couldn't remember it, so I went straight to the 'photo album' on my laptop to find it for her. The only problem is, all of the boy pictures I've 'borrowed' from the internet are in the same album. There's nothing pornographic, not even any 'swimwear' shots, but there are a dozen or so cuties. I managed to scroll through the album to leave it sitting at a point where none of the boys were visible, but I've no idea what, if anything, she saw of my 'collection', because no comment was forthcoming. I don't make New Year resolutions, but if I did, inanely outing myself to my wife wouldn't have been amongst them. At least she liked the picture of the cat!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Close call...but an awful lot of "outings" seem to be accidental. I didn't drink much last night. Went to bed about 9PM, read until 1AM. Happy Snooze Year for me!

    Happy New Year, Sammy!

    Peace <3

  2. Hello Jay
    Not the brightest manoeuvre of my life, without a doubt. One of the same pictures, actually, was what led to my daughter finding out about me, so I've had that much experience of accidental 'outings'. That apart, the first day of 2012 has been very quiet, and rather more sober than 24 hours ago!

    Love & best wishes
    Sammy B
