Wednesday 6 February 2013

Ever fallen in love

I heard the Buzzcocks song on the radio a little while ago, I'm sure most people know which one I mean, the one that, when I think about it, says it all about me. Everyone I've ever fallen in love with, I shouldn't have, right back to my first little-boy crush, at 11, on my (female, but very tomboyish) cousin, through my first real love, R, when I was 17, via my cousin and best friend, to my ex-wife. It's been an unmitigated chapter of accidents and disasters, from start to finish.
I also heard, on the same radio station, the afternoon DJ make some thoroughly sneering remarks about 'that legislation passed last night'. Well, Mr DJ, some people are gay, and some of them even have the audacity to like rock music, for all its image of testosterone soaked machismo. Fucking get over it.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. With this post, we are exactly a like...the only relationships I've had never lasted, fell apart, I see none of them ever (nor do we wish to see each other, I suppose, if the truth be told).

    We are waiting breathlessly to see what the Supreme Court will do with the cases about gay marriage they took on for this term, with results expected in June.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Alike, but a little different - I can't fall out of love with any of my previous innamorati, even V, who emigrated to Australia that summer we were both 11, who I haven't seen since, and who I can't remotely claim to have been genuinely in love with, comes to my mind's eye from time to time (I always saw her as an 'honorary boy', by the way, because that's how she looked, dressed and acted, for the most part, at that age - I can't conceive of my 11 year old self even giving the time of day to a 'girly' girl, still less having a crush on one!).
      There are still a number of parliamentary hurdles for the marriage equality legislation to surmount before it becomes law, but the signs are certainly very encouraging. And so they damn well should be - there's no excuse for discrimination, of any kind.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
