Monday 11 February 2013

Switch the lights off on your way out

So, Ratzinger is resigning/retiring/whatever. Fucking good riddance, you fascist twat. If only the rest of your benighted organisation was going with you. But instead, no doubt, some equally vile reactionary will be installed, to carry on the hypocritical bigotry, the impoverishment of millions and death of untold numbers of human beings. Unspeakable.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I'd just love to not have someone so complicit in the rape of children. Not that I care who those idiots elect. What's really a shame is that one of my best friends is Catholic, and while he ought to know my orientation (his best friend does), he probably won't ever know the full me (unless I show up for a cook out with a guy on my arm) because of the church he so dearly loves.
    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      You know, of course, my views on religion as a whole, but it certainly is a shame when its adherents value their 'relationship' with their god above real-world interactions with actual living, breathing people.
      As far as the next pontiff goes, I can't imagine, given that he's still going to be around, that Ratzinger won't use his influence to ensure that someone 'in his own image' takes over. Business as usual, unfortunately.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
