Friday 8 March 2013

The muse, and its caprice

I've been fiddling about with a story for Nephelokokkygia for a couple of weeks now, and had begun to make a little, slow progress with it. But, since yesterday, that has been eclipsed by the resumption of an earlier story which had been moribund for nearly two years, although I had looked at it on occasions, and even had a fairly reasonable plot outline in mind. This story is probably - no, definitely - closer to my heart than the one I had been working on, though, because it features the main characters from what I still consider to be my best ever story, Lucent. Alex, in particular, is certainly my favourite of all the characters I've written about over the past three years, despite, oddly enough, being a complete invention, not even loosely based on anyone I know in reality. Needless to say, my sudden upturn in productivity doesn't, by any means, guarantee a completed story will appear any time soon, or, indeed, ever. The aforementioned capricious muse is with me at the moment, though, so we'll see.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I like it when you write. You're always happier and less likely to slide into a deep dark depression!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      Literary therapy, hmmm....maybe there's a business opportunity there somewhere!
      Seriously, though, when those all too rare occasions come around when I do make some substantive progress with my writing, those days when it flows, it is a satisfying experience, as well as a distraction from less palatable aspects of my life. I hope this story, at least, will come to fruition, but, as I said in the post, no guarantees. Especially not written ones!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
