Wednesday 22 May 2013

Hello, world

You are still out there, after all! I finally escaped from hospital at around 4:30 this afternoon - it should have been 24 hours earlier, but for some totally unnecessary last minute second thoughts on the part of a junior doctor, even her effective boss, the consultant I saw this morning who finally confirmed the discharge decision, said there was no reason for the extra day. I've been signed off sick for another two weeks, so I've got a reasonable period of convalescence, at the end of which, hopefully, I'll be fit for purpose again and able to go back to work. Given what I actually had, it's perhaps not surprising that I went from feeling bad to even worse in the days leading up to being admitted to hospital - I've been suffering from pneumonia, so trying, as I was, to carry on, was like the medical equivalent of trying to run off a broken leg. Anyway, I do appear to be on the mend now, and I'll do my best over the next day or two to catch up with both my normal haunts in Blogland, and with replying to the comments that people have kindly left on my brief posts of recent days. It won't be tonight, though - hospital might be a good place to get 'fixed', but it's a lousy place to get any rest, and I'm feeling thoroughly washed out at the moment. I hear my bed calling, I think!

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Whew! I am soooo happy to see you out of hospital!!! I know how depressing they are.

    Sleep well, don't worry about replying to my comments, I know how you feel.

    Catch up when you can! But you've got 2 wonderful weeks of convalescence to do so.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      My sleep pattern is still all over the place - I went to sleep early last night, but then woke up in the early hours, before finally dozing off again for a short while some considerable time later. I'm thoroughly glad to be out of hospital, though - I've never had any great love for my accommodation, but it seemed far more like a home, of sorts, when I got back yesterday evening than it ever had before. I guess it shows that all these things are relative, really.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
