Monday 6 May 2013

Not sure how this is going to happen

I'm supposed to be back at work in 48 hours time, less a few minutes. At the moment, it's a struggle to even leave the room. I'm physically able to do my job, if I can get there. It's the getting there that might end up being an insurmountable problem. I need a car, really, and I could probably afford a cheap one, but when I've only left the building once in the past eight days, acquiring one isn't going to be easy. The frustrating thing is that I had a perfectly serviceable car, that would still, barring any unforeseen major catastrophes, have been on the road and more than adequate for my needs, but I sacrificed it so my ex could keep hers on the road before we split up. All part of the 'unreasonable behaviour' cited in the divorce papers, no doubt.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. What's up, Sammy? Struggle to leave your room? What's wrong with the train?! I'm confused and worried!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      The wages of my self-destructive lifestyle appear to arrived to haunt me, mostly physiological, but maybe with an underlying issue of the pointlessness of it all. Don't worry, I'll probably get over it - I seem to have a relentless sense of duty, so I'll doubtless find a way to present myself at work at 11:30 tomorrow night.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
