Saturday 8 June 2013

Marking time

That's about all I seem to be doing in here at the moment. There aren't any doctors on the ward over the weekend, although there are people on site and on call in case of emergencies, so my treatment is where it was left yesterday lunchtime, with what seems to be a problem that they're having in untangling cause and effect with my symptoms. As a result, I'm being plied with four different types of medication, to see what, if anything, might be beneficial. I know there is an element of art as well as science in medicine, but it all seems a bit haphazard to me. Meanwhile, I'm still coughing like a professional, and not really feeling very much better.
I spoke to my boss yesterday, to give him the latest news, insofar as there was any, to be told in return I'd have to have an occupational health appointment before I'm allowed to resume. It is standard procedure, to be fair - I had to go for an equivalent check-up after having five weeks off in 2010, for reasons that occupied much of the early part of this blog - but it's made me consider once more whether I actually want to go back, or whether it could be the last nudge towards early retirement, and maybe a move back to Cornwall. There are, as ever, pros and cons on both sides, which I'll need to consider carefully before I commit myself.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Rest, rest, rest...doctors or no, REST! HAHAHAHA
    I'm sure that is what you are doing.

    Sounds like you will be pondering a lot. I am sure you will make the best decision you can!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      As we said during my first sojourn in here, hospital is the worst place to get any rest! I'd be far more sanguine, though, if I was hearing 'It's this, and these are the things we need to do', as opposed to 'Let' s try this, and see what happens'.
      I suppose the one upside of being stuck in here is that I do have time to think about my future, and where it might lead me. I'm not about to do anything precipitate, but I do need to consider my next steps.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
