Tuesday 11 March 2014


I was originally intending to go shopping this morning, but the mechanics of actually getting ready and going out, then returning an hour and a half hence to immediately turn around and go back out to work have proved to be an insurmountable obstacle, so I've put it off, probably until tomorrow evening on my way back from work. There's nothing I've actually run out of, in any case, so the day and a half's postponement isn't going to be too much of a problem. Motivation, or its absence, seems to be a recurring theme in my life at the moment - after the weeks of running around arranging the rental of the flat, and the activity, if not excitement, of the actual move, I'm feeling a bit flat just now. I guess it's a bit of an 'interlude' period - I'm in the new place, but K isn't, and won't be for a few more months, and there's nothing much else going on in the immediate future apart from work, although there is a possibility of my brother and sister-in-law coming up to stay this weekend, given that I'm off for a few days. Even if I don't have any visitors over the weekend, it might be a good idea to make specific plans to go somewhere and do something, just to have a focus, albeit a minor one. And, after all, what's the point of living in London if all you do is go to work.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Boy howdy, do I feel it, too! Sometimes I just feel like a slug and have no desire to go anywhere or do anything, even when there are things on "the list" to get done. That's why my truck will be dirty for the trip, and there is no snack food in the house. Hope you have a good weekend.

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      I'm usually reasonably dutiful with domestic things, but I simply couldn't get my arse in gear this morning. Whatever else, I'll certainly try to be more proactive this weekend, and make something of my time off. I doubt I'll have as good a time as you, though!

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
