Saturday 29 November 2014

Made, not born, part the zillionth

I'm rarely surprised by stories like this, and certainly not in this case, given its geographical provenance - it's not a part of the world renowned for its tolerance of 'the other', in whatever guise - but some cases are more egregious than others. Especially if you follow the link to the original BBC news item, and look at the particular version of the bible verse included on the worksheet. It's a wonder they didn't include a 'dummies guide to bullying and bigotry' in with the assignment. But, of course, all religions only preach peace and love for all. Except when they don't.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. I saw this. How stupid of them. It's not surprising in the least. Yet they cannot seem to figure out why religious participation is dwindling in all but the most illiterate countries (think Africa and the Middle East). Probably not in our lifetimes, but certainly organized religion will sink to the level of only a few people here and there, with little power, as those who possess brains realize how out of touch they all are.
    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      The idea of organised religion melting away is one that appeals to me greatly, but whether it could actually happen remains to be seen. On the basis of current evidence, I would agree that the more moderate versions - the good old, bad old, C of E, for example - are dead in the water, but the more extremist sects, in almost all major religions, seem to be thriving. Hopefully, the greater availability of knowledge and realism, particularly by way of the internet, will, through the younger generations, overcome the entrenched and stupid hierocracies, but, as I see it, it's no more than a hope as things stand.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
