Monday 15 July 2013


Not that I'm in the throes of one, or expecting to be any time soon, but an adventure, some fun, might be just what I need - going somewhere I haven't been before, doing something I haven't done, meeting someone new who might be on a similar wavelength. I was thoroughly cheesed off with my lot this morning, getting ready to go to the hospital yet again, but I'm feeling a lot more positive now, just at the thought of spreading my wings a bit. The elephant in the room, of course, is my abject lack of people skills, and my pathological fear of looking foolish. Unless I'm prepared to be at least a little venturesome, though, I'm never going to get anywhere. Life isn't going to come and knock on my door, I have to try and go out and engage with it. Can I do it? I really don't know.

Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B


  1. Sure, you can do it!

    Maybe you can take up a "heart healthy" activity like walking, and go on walking tours of various venues.



    1. Hello Andy
      I'm thinking more along the lines of social connections rather than specific activities - I haven't got a car, so I already do a fair amount of walking as part of my daily routine, but I can't manage more than about two or three miles in one hit, because I've got a longstanding dodgy ankle. And, as I said in the post, the social side of things is hamstrung by my personality. It all comes down to how much I want it, I guess, and how much effort that induces me to make.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B

  2. GO FOR IT! Get out, do what we admire DJ for doing - going out and not coming back until he'd made a new friend!

    Peace <3

    1. Hello Jay
      I might be out for quite a while in that instance! I would like to get more involved, though - maybe the sense of my mortality recent events has brought into the spotlight has something to do with that. How much I'm able - or, more realistically, willing - to do remains to be seen, though.

      Love & best wishes
      Sammy B
